Thursday, April 30, 2009


There are moments when I just feel down right depressed. These moments are pretty fleeting, but having left my hometown behind hasn't been easy. This is the most time I have spent away from Los Angeles, without any real close friends up in the San Francisco Bay Area. Even though I have my sister and her husband, and even though school and the lack of money has essentially consumed my time, I still feel sad from time-to-time. Part of the hopelessness I feel is from the economy, and my lack of faith in the things I am doing.

I'm more than certain that these down period will pass, because these moments really are fleeting. However, whenever I feel this way I can't help but feel lost.

I know I don't write very often about myself, and the way I am feeling. I just needed to get this off my chest for now, to make me feel a little normal again. At least school will be out. Now I just need to find a source of income for the summer. A job is a job at this point.

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