Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Environmental Love

Dear Sir,

You are someone from the Mountainous West who has a great appreciation for trees and the great outdoors. Perhaps you think of yourself as an environmental enthusiast, who cares about nature and enjoys what mother earth has to offer. But pardon me for just a moment, please.

You are not a true environmentalist. Your disdain and disregard for the desert landscape disgusts me. To say it's "ugly" and just "brown" without any water may be true to a very small extent. Ever heard of the Grand Canyon? It's not a desert, but it is by no means the lush green landscape you hail from the mountainous west. Do you like the Colorado Plateau? Do you like eastern Washington and the Gorge? What about Death Valley when the rains come and provide a rare glimpse into the wildflower life?

An environmentalist cares about all landscapes and biomes. The tundra is no different from the desert. It's just unfortunate that the desert doesn't have a cute symbolic figure like the polar bear to rally behind.

It is one thing to prefer mountains and oceans over the desert. In fact, I can argue that it is not sustainable to live in such a place, but people do. But to totally assert that there is a sort of ridiculousness to liking the desert makes you an asinine person.

Thanks for listening to me rant. Hope this clarifies how I can't believe how little you care about preserving the natural landscape.

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