Friday, May 22, 2009


Dear Los Angeles,

I've missed you, despite your smog ridden lungs and congested arteries. There's something about you that makes me love you so much, that I can't wait to return (even if I have a final to turn in this Sunday night).

I'm ready to explore my old haunts, and see my fellow Angelenos, high school friends, and simply ride around the West Side. Even though things are more expensive in your part of town, the feelings I get cannot be replicated. Don't worry though, even though Oakland has swept me off my feet, I still love you.

There's so much for me to do during the short period of time I come see you, like hiking Mt. Islip, going to all the Farmer's markets, riding along PCH, enjoying the sunsets. Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll even get the chance to go to a Dodgers game. And LACMA.

Anyway, I'll see you soon. You put such a smile on my face. I look forward to our mingling.


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